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Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies

Research Projects

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Project Name
Implementing gender aspects within the Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) Guidelines and the protocol to the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP) for securing SSF.

Project Overview
This CERMES-led GIFT project aims to provide more in-depth knowledge of gender in fisheries to inform the implementation of the SSF Guidelines, the CCCFP SSF Protocol, and to support FAO's Blue Growth initiative in various projects. Click here to download the project flyer.
Output 1
Communicating with policy makers and policy advisors
  Output 2
Informing mainstreaming through information from gender analysis
Support the evidence-based and advocacy-oriented policy influence of project partners and facilitate planning of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA), 2022.
Continue scoping study of gender in fisheries in Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) countries to achieve both deeper and wider coverage linked especially to SDG 5 and SDG 14.
1.1.  Select policy champions, test policy communication in about 3 countries

1.2.    Support planning for IYAFA 2022
2.1    Conduct value chain and network gender analyses in about 3 countries

2.2    Report on the scoping study of gender in fisheries in CRFM countries

2.3    Communicate and engage on gender in 3 countries and several projects

2.4    Conduct three national gender training and mainstreaming workshops

The SSF Gender project is funded by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and executed by the CERMES-led Gender in Fisheries Team (GIFT)

Project Duration
January 2020 – March 2021

Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies
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