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Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies

Research Projects

Water-aCCSiS : Home


Water-aCCSIS is a regional initiative that is contributing to the improvement of water management and climate change adaptation of Caribbean states and the development of adaptive management strategies that will balance the sustainability of ecosystems and societal needs. The University of the West Indies (UWI) - Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES), the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) and the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), are collaborating to build the scientific knowledge base and expand research capacity within the Caribbean. The technical work packages under these institutions fall into five distinct thematic clusters: Climate Modelling, Landscape Processes, Hydrological Functions, Water Security and Adaptation, and Capacity Building.

Concept image
Downscaled global and regional climate models are being used along with landscape use and hydrological models to investigate the interaction between human activity and ecosystem services at the catchment level. How these interact to affect water availability under projected climate change will be used along with socioeconomic and political future scenarios modelling to develop adaptation measures inform water management policies at the national and regional levels.
Project Objectives:
  • Downscale global and regional climate model outputs to local level.
  • Describe landscape functionality and social-ecological systems 
  • Develop coupled landscape socio-ecological - hydrological modelling approaches
  • Develop adaptation strategies for ensuring water security
  • Provide evidence-based adaptation strategies for national water management policies 
  • Expand regional research capacity, collaboration and improve training opportunities
Technical Work Packages
Capacity Building

The project is funded by the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The total value of the project is US $1.5 million.
Project Duration
March 2013 – March 2015
Geographic Scope
Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Carriacou provide contrasting country situations within which to develop the modelling concepts.
Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies
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