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Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Biological & Chemical Sciences

Professor C.M. Sean Carrington (Emeritus)

Professor C.M. Sean Carrington (Emeritus)

Professor Emeritus of Plant Biology

Department: BCS


B.Sc. (Edin.), D.Phil. (York, UK)

Research Areas

Flora of the Eastern Caribbean and its conservation.
Postharvest biology of fruit.

Select Publications

Carrington, C.M.S., Edwards, R.D., Krupnick, G.A. (2018) Assessment of the Distribution of Seed Plants Endemic to the Lesser Antilles in Terms of Habitat, Elevation, and Conservation Status. Caribbean Naturalist Special Issue 2: 30-47.

Camas, M., Carrington, C.M.S., Saint-Aimie, S., Francisco-Ortega, J (2020) David Fairchild’s Plant Hunting Expedition in the Lesser Antilles: Year 1932. Selbyana 33(4): 43-63.

Carrington, C.M.S., Fraser, H.S., Gilmore J.T. & Forde, G.A. (2020) A to Z of Barbados Heritage (3nd Edn.), Miller Publishing, Edghill, Barbados. 430 pp.

Turnbull, C. & Carrington S. (2022) A hard graft problem solved for key global food crops. Nature 602: 214-215.

Véron S., Bernard A., Lebreton E., Rodrigues-Vaz C., Durand M., Procopio L., Hélion M., Gayot M., Viscardi G., Krupnick G.A., Carrington C.M.S., Boullet V., Mallet B., Dimassi A., Pailler T., Hivert J., Lebouvier M., Agnola P., Bruy D., Gateblé G., Lannuzel G., Meyer S., Gargominy O., Gigot G., Invernon V., Leblond S.,  Pignal M., Tercerie S., Muller S., Rouhan G. (2023) Pre-assessments of plant conservation status in islands: the case of French Overseas Territories. Biodiversity and Conservation.

Department of Biological & Chemical Sciences
Telephone: (246) 417-4574/4324/4323/4322 Email: