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Student Services


We have a number of resources and programmes to help you adjust to the new customs and culture in Barbados, and encourage you to check out the services at the Office of Student Services and Development (OSSD), read up on health insurance and educate yourself about immigration issues.

Support and Services for International Students

The Office of Student Services and Development (OSSD) and the Student Enrolment and Retention Unit (SERU) are the main sources of support for students and gathering places for students with cross-cultural interests at the Cave Hill Campus of The University of the West Indies. The OSSD offers many services throughout the year.  The SERU houses the International Office and is the hub for student information and answering general queries.  The SERU provides student ID cards and status letter.

Reception and Orientation

The SERU International Office plans an excited schedule of welcome and orientation activities for new international students. The orientation program includes trips and tours around the island.  Students are also welcome to register with the OSSD in August and September to receive important information about settling into their new environment.

Health Insurance

All international students receive health insurance coverage through the CariCARE Insurance Plan on completion of registration. New and returning international students are automatically enrolled in the plan for 12 months, running from August 1 to July 31, and their annual fee is automatically paid with university fees.

Immigration Basics

The Centre for International Experience is your main source for immigration information, but here are a few basics for you:
  • Student Visa — If you are not a Barbadian citizen or permanent resident, you have to get a student visa and you are required to submit your application and supporting documentation before entering Barbados to attend school. If your programme requires you to be in Barbados beyond the expiry date on your student visa, you need to submit an extension form at least two months before your visa expires.
  • Work permits — Students are not permitted to work in Barbados.



Catamaran cruise, Living life to the fullest.
 Jacquelyn Agustin
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Contact us for further information:
Telephone: (246) 417-4972/417-4656 | Fax: (246) 424-3320 | Email: