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Sidney Martin Library


Discovery Tools

Dimensions (free edition) – an article discovery platform, the free edition provides access to 91 million publications with instant access to over 14 million open access articles. The platform also provides links to contextualized information related to grants, patents and clinical trials, and a research analytic suite to identify trends.

1findr - an inclusive discovery platform aiming to index articles in all peer-reviewed journals in all fields of research, in all languages and from all over the world. To access the free edition scroll down the page and click on Access link.   

Kopernio – a browser plug-in that aims to provide seamless access to licensed and open access content.

Meta – a discovery tool for biomedical research. You will need to set up a personal account to get access. – provides access to scientific information, including open access available from all repositories in Dutch universities.

Osf Preprints – a service that facilitates search and discovery across all preprint platforms.

Science Open – a professional networking platform for scholars to both enhance their research impact as well as search and discover relevant research in over 43 million open access articles and article records.

Semantic Scholar – a free academic search engine that uses artificial intelligence to quickly highlight the most important papers and identify connections between them.

Unpaywall - a browser plug-in that provides free access to articles.

Open Access Journals - Browse and/or search a list of open access journal titles available from the publisher.


To access Open Access Journals you must go to Resources and click on Open Access at the bottom.

Springer Open

Taylor & Francis

Wiley Open
Go to Online Open and click on Open Science which is at the bottom left of the page.