About Us
The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus provides a rich and unique Caribbean experience. Students from around the world, the Caribbean and Barbados make our campus their home away from home. We at the Office of Student Services know that focal to our students is their academic success and completion of their university degree in the shortest possible time. However, with the ever increasing demands and expectations placed upon graduates, academic success though very important, is only one small section of the holistic development of the well rounded professional that all students desire to become.
The Office of Student Services is here to help you to make the most of your Cave Hill experience. We offer a wide range of services and programmes to foster your holistic development and progression from Orientation to Graduation and beyond. Our services and programmes include Career Development Counselling, Personal and Psychological Counselling, Transportation Services, Health Services, Sports Development; we also provide special services for students with disability.
In addition, we provide opportunities for our students to participate in other programmes, such as community service opportunities, in partnership with the local business community and government. Our professional development activities provide an opportunity to develop competencies for the world of work through our cross-cultural training, facilitation of emotional intelligence, leadership and team building, public speaking and entrepreneurship sessions.
In partnership with the Guild of Students, students can also become involved in student organisations and embrace the opportunities of working and playing with their colleagues.
On the behalf of Students Services, thank you for choosing the Cave Hill Campus and by extension The University of the West Indies.
The Office of Student Services

The Office of Student Services and Development
Tel.: (246) 417-4165/6/7 Fax: (246) 424-5348 | Email: studentservices@cavehill.uwi.edu