The Student Health Clinic serves registered students. It is located next to the Guild of Students.
Doctors, Nurses and a support team provide clinical services during the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. During the semester break, the opening hours are 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
All students are encouraged to register for our services. If you have a chronic illness or (physical, mental or learning) disability it is especially important for you to register. The information you provide will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Click here to register »
The Staff
You will meet a team of professionals who will include:
- a panel of doctors to serve you on and off campus
- nurses who are well qualified to meet your various health needs
- a psychological counsellor to assist with emotional, personal, academic and social concerns.
Services Offered
- Psychiatric Services
- Family Planning - advise/referral
- Ophthalmic - referrals
- Investigations/special - tests referrals
- Pharmaceutical
- Immunisation (Tetanus/Toxiod)
- Nutritional advice/counselling
- Referrals
In the event of emergencies outside of Clinic hours, students may go directly to the Accident & Emergency Department at Queen Elizabeth Hospital or
ANY other emergency provider of their choice. However, please note that payments will be expected at the point of care. The
CariCare Medical Assistance Plan may be used for reimbursement in this eventuality.
The University does
NOT undertake to provide or meet the cost of medical services, which cannot be obtained from the Health Clinic. Where, in extraordinary circumstances, these are necessary, the cost must be met by the student, his/her parents, guardians or donors. An emergency loan may be available from the Student Emergency Loan Fund where circumstances warrant.