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Sidney Martin Library

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Course Reserve Policy

Reserve items are held at the Main Library’s circulation desk and are intended solely for educational use. Items not owned by the Main Library but eligible for inclusion in Course reserves, include book chapters, journal articles and conference papers.

Personal copies of book and articles may also be placed on Reserve, however, we strongly recommend that irreplaceable, fragile or valuable material NOT be included among Reserve materials since the library assumes no liability for loss or damage to such.

The Library also reserves the right to determine the suitability of any material that is to be placed in this Collection.
The Library staff will make every effort to have all requested materials available for use in a timely fashion. To ensure that your material is available for use on the first day of classes, a complete list and copies (maximum of 1 copy per item as required under Copyright Regulations) of all material must be submitted by the following dates:
  • Semester 1 – August 3
  • Semester 2 – January 5
  • Summer Semester – 4 weeks before the start of the session

All Folders of materials and personal copies of books placed on Course Reserves must be collected at the end of each semester by the respective Faculty member/and or Instructor. Items not collected within four weeks of the end of the semester will be disposed of as the Library deems fit. 

Items not eligible to be placed on Course Reserves

  • Copies of chapters from books owned by the Main Library. These books can be placed on Overnight/ Reading Room Reserve for the Semester. Refer to Policy on Overnight/Reserve for complete guidelines
  • Copies of journal articles available in Full text in any of the databases to which the library subscribes. Faculty and Instructors can either link to these articles through their Course sites or provide the relevant information for access in their Reading Lists. 
  • Copies of articles from print journals available in the Main Library. However, if the class size exceeds 40, one copy of an article may be placed on Course Reserve.
  • Copies of full text articles etc. which can be freely accessed and downloaded from the web.

Percentage of copied material from any book acceptable for Course Reserves

The Main Library will NOT accept copies of material from any book which exceeds the 20% maximum mandated by Copyright.

Guidelines for placing items on Course Reserves

  • A course note form must be completed by the Lecturer/person depositing the material.

  • All material must be already labelled with the course code and lecturer’s name on the folder.

  • A cover page containing the full bibliographic details for the book from which the chapter has been pulled must be attached to the copy of the item.
The Library reserves the right to censor any unsuitable material that may be left to be placed in this Collection.