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Confucius Institute

Mandarin Courses


Chinese Language Courses

  1. Introduction to Chinese Culture – COCR 2045
  2. Chinese Language Evening Classes and VIP Classes
  3. SWEN Chinese Course
  4. A Taste of Chinese Culture
  5. HSK 2 and HSK 3
  6. Modern Mandarin Communication
  7. Chinese in Primary and Secondary Schools and Tertiary Institutions
  8. Learn Chinese Together
For all classes, contact the CI at 246 – 629 - 4970 (1) for details. 

I. Introduction to Chinese Culture – COCR 2045

The course is open to students of the Cave Hill Campus* and students from outside the campus with an interest in learning more about Chinese culture without entering a rigorous programme of studying the Chinese language. Lectures take place 2 hours per week and laboratories take place 2 hours per week for a total of four (4) hours per week for 12 weeks. Classes cover  the following topics: China’s history, geography, political system, economy, infrastructure, scientific and technological advances, legal system, education system, culture, social structure, role in global affairs, major events and personalities; China’s cultural expressions including traditional music, musical instruments, opera and dance, prose and poetry, calligraphy and traditional painting, traditional festivals and customs, pottery, architecture, cuisine and tea ceremony, etiquette, including business traditions and culture, movies.
* NOTES: The course is open to Level 2 and Level 3 students. Course Anti-requisite(s): CHIN1001 Chinese Language 1A and CHIN2200 Introduction to Contemporary China. 
Course dates: Semester.
Time: Subject to confirmation in Cave Hill timetable.   
Location: Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus.
Credits: 3
Registration: Via CHOL
Eligibility: Level 2 and Level 3 Students 
Course Anti-requisite(s): No credits when taking CHIN 1001 or CHIN 2200  
Cost: Free to UWI Students and Staff. Persons who are not enrolled at the UWI Cave Hill Campus may pay the applicable fees and also be admitted to the course. There are two categories of students associated with this provision:
  • Specially Admitted Student ($270 per credit  + $470 Amenities fee +$30 ID Card fee); and
  • Occasional Student. An occasional student audits the course and is not required to complete any assessments and therefore does not receive a final grade. ($135 per credit  + $470 Amenities fee + $30 ID Card fee)

Capacity: Twenty-five persons in classroom and additional students online.
Contact: Office of Student Services and Development at 246 – 417- 4915


II. Chinese Language Evening Classes and VIP Classes

The Confucius Institute conducts various Chinese language courses at The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. The courses do not offer university credit although students will be awarded certification. Teaching time is 1.5 hours per week. These classes include
Chinese Language and Culture; Conversational Chinese; VIP Classes; HSK Training.
  1. Beginner Conversational Chinese
This course provides oral practice related to scenario-based conversations. This includes the Chinese phonetic system, simple conversations, basic vocabulary and sentence patterns. Participants are expected to master around 80 commonly used words and basic grammar patterns.

Course dates: Begins third week of each semester. Ten week’s duration.
Time: Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.  
Location: Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus.
Cost: Free to UWI Students and Staff. All others, BDS $400 per semester.
Capacity: Twenty-five persons in classroom and additional students online.
  1. Intermediate Conversational Chinese

The aim of this course is to help participants to improve the understanding of long texts written in Chinese and to further expand vocabulary and their abilities in the application of everyday Chinese. Comprehensive learning (reading, listening, speaking and writing) will be the focus of the class. This class requires a high level of participation from the student. Participants are expected to master around 200 commonly used words and related grammar patterns.

Course dates: Begins third week of each semester. Ten week’s duration.
Time:  Wednesday. 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus.
Cost: Free to UWI Students and Staff. All others, BDS $ 400 per semester.
Capacity: Twenty-five persons in classroom and additional students online.

3. VIP - One-on-One Classes

The VIP one – on – one classes are designed according to the requirements of the student. Class time also depends on the requirements of the student.
 Course dates: Determined through consultation between teacher and student.
Time: Determined through consultation between teacher and student.
Location: Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus.
Cost: BDS $400 per semester.
Capacity: One-on-One.


III. SWEN Chinese Course

SWEN 2010: Beginner Chinese Language, Culture & Society; and
SWEN 2011: Beginner Chinese Language & IT Business Environment.
These courses are open only to students enrolled in the BSc. Software Engineering (Mobile Application Technologies) for their third and fourth years of study in the software engineering programme in Suzhou, China.
Course dates: Semester.
Time: Subject to Cave Hill Campus timetabling.   
Location: Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus.
Cost: No additional cost to eligible students.
Capacity: Twenty-five persons in classroom and additional students online.


IV   A Taste of Chinese Culture

The course is open to paying students only, primarily from outside the campus with an interest in learning more about Chinese culture. Classes will be held 2-4 hours per week (2 classes/week; 2 hours/class).

Course dates: 2 (Hours): Monday: 6pm-7pm and Thursday: 7pm-8pm or 4 (Hours):Monday: 6pm-8pm and Thursday: 7pm-9pm
Course Duration: 8-12 weeks
Location: Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus
Modules: Chinese History, Cuisine, Tea Ceremony, Traditional Medicine, Tai Chi, Opera, Knitting, Calligraphy, Painting.
Cost: BDS $50/module
Capacity: Max. 25 persons
Certification: Certificate issued
Contact: CI at 246 -629 4970 (1) for registration details. 

NB: Each Module description will include syllabus content, hours per week, project details, suggestions for guest lecturers/experts.

V. HSK 2 and HSK 3 

This 6 week intensive course provides step-by-step tutoring, as well as step-by-step coaching though the HSK exam registration process. 
The classes are focused on HSK 2 and HSK 3 preparation. 

Course dates: 2 (Hours): Saturday: 9:30 am-11:30 am
Course Duration: 6 weeks weeks
Location: Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus
Cost: BDS$ 30 per class or BDS $ 180 for the full course. 
Capacity: Max. 25 persons

VI. Modern Mandarin Communication 

This course provides students with the opportunity to navigate the modern Chinese landscape. They will llearn how to:  recognize and input Chinese characters digitally; navigate online Chinese platforms, websites and apps. 
Course dates: 1 (Hours): Begins one week after UWI Cave Hill classes start. Wednesday: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Course Duration: 8 weeks
Location: Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus
Cost: BDS$ 25 per class or BDS $ 200 for the full course. 
Capacity: Max. 25 persons

VII. Chinese in Primary and Secondary Schools and Tertiary Institutions

The Confucius Institute offers classes to students enrolled in primary and secondary schools and tertiary institutions according to schedules agreed with the relevant institutions.

Course dates: School term or institution semester.
Time: As agreed.   
Location: At the school or tertiary institution or online as agreed.
Cost: Free of cost to students enrolled in day programmes in government institutions. Cost as determined by the institutions for evening classes.
Capacity: As determined.

The EMTP course is open to Secondary School students with interest in Mandarin and Chinese culture and is offered on Saturday's at 9:30 am. These classes are held at the Confucius Institute, Cave Hill Campus and are BDS $20 per class.

VIII. Learn Chinese Together (Cooperation between the National Library Service of Barbados and the Confucius Institute of The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus)

The Learn Chinese Together Course is a cooperative effort between the National Library Service of Barbados and the Confucius Institute of The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus which is presented free of cost to participants. The classes reflect a combination of teaching in the rudiments of Chinese as well as Chinese culture. The classes are held entirely online.               
Course dates: Cave Hill Campus Semester.
Time: Monday )Level I) Tuesday (Level II) Wednesday (Level III), 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Online.
Cost: Free.
Capacity: Maximum thirty students preferred.