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New Students

First Year Basics

The Cave Hill Campus provides a wide range of resources and services to support your holistic development as a student. You will learn more about these resources as part of the orientation activities, and in particular, via the online self-paced New Student Orientation course to which you will have access before the end of July. 
At this point, we introduce some important resources, some of which you might like to explore ahead of time, and to which we encourage you to return throughout your first year.

Student Success Resources

At this stage we introduce you to three of several resources that will be available to support your success, the First Year Experience Programme (FYE), and our online self-pace course that you will access via the Myelearning learning management system.  You will need to  have returned your acceptance letter, received your student ID number, and activated your campus email to be able to access this course.

  • The First Year Experience Programme (FYE) - FYE is a full semester of memorable out-of-classroom learning experiences, designed to smooth your transition into the university and set you up for success.  During a series of weekly meetings you will get to know students from faculties and countries other than your own; engage in fun, interactive sessions; benefit from the memtorship of a dedicated team; and gain skills for success at Cave Hill and beyond.  FYE is run by the Office of Student Services and Development (OSSD). 
  • The Student Academic Skills and Success Hub (SASS Hub) -  This is a self-paced resource covering several modules. Whether you need tips and strategies for succeeding in an online or blended classes; improving your writing; reading and comprehending academic texts; or how to avoid plagiarism and academic dishonesty, the Student Academic Skills and Success Hub, has the answer.  You will explore interactive self-study units, videos, interactive games and more to help you master the habits and intellectual skills needed to be successful at university.  If you need to self enrol to access the SASS Hub, enter enrol2024 as the enrolment key.

Finding Help and Support in Your First Year

We hope you are excited about starting your studies as a Cave Hill Blackbird.  If this is your first time at The UWI Cave Hill Campus, it’s important for you to know that there are several offices here to support you, especially in your first year. These include:

  • The Student Enrolment and Retention Unit (SERU) - This is the Customer Service Centre of Student Affairs, the place to go if you have any general queries or concerns  
  • The Office of Student Services and Development (OSSD) - Offers a range of student development and support services
  • Your Faculty and Departmental Offices

You will find comprehensive lists and contact information for all administrative and support offices in the general Student Handbook. The updated handbook will be published before registration.

Important Policy Documents

Useful Contacts

Student Enrolment and Retention Unit (SERU) (Customer Service Centre)
Landline: (246) 417-4125/4994/4977
Cell/WhatsApp: (246) 230-5052/ (246) 826-0626
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Office of Student Services and Development (OSSD)
Landline: (246) 417-4165
Cell: (246) 233-5842
Visit the Website »
Student Admissions/Undergraduate Registration
Landline: (246) 417-4125
Cell: (246) 230-3231/ (246) 230-4794
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Student Affairs/Postgraduate Registration:   
Landline: (246) 417-4905/4910/4977
Cell: (246) 231-9656/ (246) 230-2833
Cell/WhatsApp - Taught Programmes: (246) 230-5052/(246)826-0626
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Student Accounts (Financial Matters)
Landline: (246) 417-7555   
Cell: (246) 233-0222/ (246) 231-9652