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Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Biological & Chemical Sciences


Dip/MSc Biosafety

Dip/MSc Biosafety.png

About the Programme

The MSc. Biosafety programme is designed to meet the demand for regional Biosafety expertise. It provides training in potential risks associated with the use of modern biotechnology products in trade, biological and biotechnology research, and promotes understanding of modern biotechnology.

What Will I Study?

You will learn, encounter and discover:

  • Design constructs of Genetically modified organisms.
  • Biodiversity concepts and environmental challenges in relation to GMOs, especially in relation to the Caribbean.
  • How to assess the risk posed by use Genetically modified organisms.
  • Risk management techniques, legal instruments and diagnostic techniques used in mitigation of GMO risks.


Read about our Faculty and Research Projects.

Career Opportunities

Where do we work?
  • In a laboratory environment as a Biosafety officer
  • In a diagnostic laboratory
  • In guiding policy and legislative frameworks on trade in genetically modified good
  • In education (formal and informal) e.g public advocacy or in an educational institution.
  • In plant quarantine at Caribbean ports of entry
Keep your day job while completing this degree

Additional Information

The M.Sc. Biosafety consists of 37 credits including four core courses (24 credits), one elective (4 credits) and a capstone project (9 credits).  Alternatively, students may register for a Diploma in Biosafety which is completed in 8 months (22 credits). The programme is conducted Online except for a one-week practical instruction based in Barbados.

At a Glance

  • Degree Level: Postgraduate
  • Qualification: MSc
  • Duration: Part Time: 30 months, Full Time: 15 months.


Programme Details

We have four core courses:

  • BISF 6000-Introduction to Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
  • BISF 6001-Biosafety, Biotechnology and the Environment
  • BISF 6002-Biosafety Risk Analysis and Risk Management
  • BISF 6003-Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms
Individual modules may be accessed by special entry and on request.

Applications are accepted from November to February. However, expressions of interest are accepted ALL year. Visit the Admissions website to view entry requirements and to apply now.

We offer low tuition fees and several scholarships and financial aid are available. Choose a payment plan that fits your education budget.

Department of Biological & Chemical Sciences
Telephone: (246) 417-4574/4324/4323/4322 Email: